About Me

Cloud Nine Days is about a pursuit of happiness. Taking a moment to gather all my life experiences and turn them into articles that can help people in their daily life.  Not having to choose between being a working mom or a stay-at-home mom.

As many of you, I worked for ungrateful bosses and had to sacrifice too much to make it worth it. After being laid off for the first time in my life, I felt I couldn’t just repeat the scenario and wanted a real change in my work life. Blogging gave me a chance to simply be myself.

Sharing my point of view on inner issues, offering useful parenting tips, and discussing lifestyle trends. I try to make this blog my happy place and thrive to post articles that will interest you so you can all have a cloud nine moment!  

I would say that I am a cerebral, detail-obsessed, food enthusiast along with a supporting wife and worried sick, loving mother. I also ride horses, I’m a little bit of an introvert, and speak French (I apologize for my iffy English).

Thank you for stopping by!