Kid ban in restaurants

Kid Ban. No Children Allowed in Restaurants.

Kid ban. No children allowed in restaurants.

Kid bans are slowly spreading in restaurants and hotels. Why are our children not allowed in restaurants anymore ?When I run across an establishment who has a no-child policy, I simply feel discriminated against as a parent. Didn’t I do a good job at raising them to seat still on a chair for an hour? Why are my kids perceived as savages who do not eat anything? How can I expand their food horizon when we are condemned to eat bland foods in standardized chains?

What led to such drastic measures? What can we do to restore peace between parents, children and restaurant owners?

To Restaurant Owners:

Bad food makes everyone grouchy; kids included. Perhaps children would be more willing to seat and eat if your kid’s menu was more appealing. Raw baby carrots are insipid, over-steamed broccoli tastes like water and I wouldn’t even feed your chicken nuggets to my dog. There is also the so mouth-watering cold apple sauce… Kids like flavorful food and some like vegetables too! Carrots and broccoli can be delicious when cooked right. 

I’ve surprised restaurant owners many times when ordering “normal” food items from the menu for my kids. I usually stay away from those sad kid’s menus and order an adult plate to share for my 2 daughters. Also, to those managers who say that kids don’t bring as much money as an adult. My children might not drink wine, but they always take a dessert!

I go to restaurants where chefs and owners see children as real customers, who are spending their parents’ money. Those restaurants have thought-out menus for children with items that vary with seasons. Waiters who know how to joke with them and get their attention. Children are human beings capable of reason after all. Let me tell you that my children and I always want to go back to these restaurants.  Don’t businesses want returning customers? These places do not need a “no children allowed” sign on their front door.

Kid ban. No children allowed in restaurants.
To Parents:

We are also responsible for the kid ban. Our children are not allowed in restaurants anymore because we have neglected their food exposure by letting them eat industrial meals, alone, in front of the TV. Many children see eating as a mean to an end rather than a pleasurable moment for their taste buds spent with loved ones. Babies will try anything you feed them when they start eating solid food. It is the parents’ duty to cook tasty food to their child. Store-bought baby food should be the exception not the norm. Cook for your child and eating out (in good restaurants) will be an enjoyable possibility in your future. Make food and meals an enjoyable family experience that your children can look forward too.

Children can appreciate much more than crackers and sweets. My little one loves endives and leeks. She started eating them when she was 6 months old! Young children need early exposure to real, tasty meals and don’t count on schools to help you. I’ve seen too many toddlers eating fruit loops, frozen trays or cereal bars for lunch. Feed your children crap and you’ll be condemned to eat at fast food restaurants until they move out…

Kid ban. No children allowed in restaurants.
We all wish common sense could be injected in people:

Patience is not a kid’s best quality in general. Keep your child busy and please keep your phones away from the table. Drawing, coloring, playing hangman are historical proven ways to interact with your child. Always have a pencil case and paper in your purse; pretty easy.

Also respect your child’s schedule. Go to the restaurant early, before your kid gets too hungry. Restaurants are usually less crowded when they first open, so your food will be served faster. You can be out of there before kids’ haters show up! Avoid fancy restaurants where eating lunch means a 5-course menu designed to last all afternoon.

Back to basics; make sure the restaurant you pick has high chairs and a changing table.

Of course, I understand why some people and restaurant owners would want to avoid kids. We’ve all witnessed out of control children and their negligent parents. Not much hope for those whether it is at the restaurant, at school or at the playground… However, there are so many good kids out there who love to eat out. Perhaps kid-friendly hours would feel less discriminating than a cold kid-ban sticker (next to the no-dog one) on a door. The bottom line is that our annoying children are your future customers, and it is never too early to treat your money makers right!

Thank you for reading.

Check out a Chef’s point of view to get the kid ban full picture on the Why Chef blog!

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